How deep does the rabbit hole go?
Luzerne County residents should know that your county government has participated in defrauding another governmental agency. More specifically the Luzerne County Courthouse Coroners Office has defrauded the United States Social Security Administration – disgraceful. Luzerne County Coroner/Deputy Coroner are the only people who can act in that official role and hence be compensated for those duties. The Coroner/Deputy Coroner are the officials listed in Harrisburg with the state and our County can not legally pay anyone else for these duties. Deputies can not designate compensation to be diverted to their wives, sons, daughters, or corporation (Funeral Homes). It is simply against the law. The Luzerne County Coroners Office has falsified documents to divert compensation to some funeral homes for the sole purpose to defraud the Social Security Administration. This office, which is run almost exclusively by businessmen, is well aware that corporations are not subject to social security tax and deputy corners are. Just file RIGHT TO KNOW Luzerne County Deputy Coroners 2009. (link to right to know form). The most enraging thing about this, is that the coroners office is responding in large part to our senior citizens community and yet with the help of some fraudulent accounting by the coroners office, wealthy businessmen are able to defraud the social security administration. This office needs to apologize to out senior citizens and all residents who play by the rules.