Cushy vehicles – Debit cards and Luzerne County
The county purchased two 4 wheel drive GMC Yukons for the purpose of transporting human remains, when needed. They can carry up to two deceased each. The great part of the time, these are used as personal vehicle. We rent mini vans and other vehicles from Funeral Homes for transportation, meanwhile our coroner drives around in a black Yukon to match the color of his funeral home vehicle. Our chief deputy has a dark blue Yukon to match the color of his affiliated funeral home.
WHAT?!? You get to pick you color? County Law says all county owned vehicles must be clearly marked (Lettered/Identified) but the Luzerne County Coroners office does not follow State, Federal or County Mandates. You people in the Luzerne County Courthouse Coroners office are not above the law, you are public servants and we are fed up taxpayers.