
Monday,Nov 8,

Luzerne County Coroner Office Wall of Shame

Question:       What do you get when you cross a Funeral Director with a Luzerne County Politician?

Answer: a Luzerne County Coroner

Quote from misconduct commission:       __________

Pennsylvania Law States that all elected officials MUST follow the PA code of ethics.
Section A of this code states: No elected official can operate in his public capacity in a conflict of interest.

        State Law also states that no person engaged in the public trust can receive financial gain other than the agreed compensation (in other words, what the job pays).

Question:       Do you think that someone that sells Funeral Services as their livelihood might have a “conflict of interest” responding as a coroner/deputy coroner?

Question:       Would some of these grieving families, perhaps be in need of Funeral services?

Most class 3 counties in Pennsylvania have 2 or 3 deputy coroners. Luzerne County has 44 plus deputy coroners comprised almost exclusively of Funeral Directors.  Many counties will not use Funeral Directors as County Coroners, they use people in law enforcement, paramedics, EMT, etc. Precisely to avoid a conflict of interest and stay in compliance of state and federal mandates.  These mandates are for ALL officials and provide no exception for Luzerne County politicians.

Believe me friends, If these is ANY COUNTY that needs to follow ETHICAL guidelines, it is Luzerne County. Does the Luzerne County Courthouse Coroners Office really expect us to believe that these 44 plus funeral directors doubling as Deputy Coroners are struggling financially so much with their funeral homes, that they need a part time political job with the Courthouse to make “ends meet”- Please!

If you want to find hunters - go to the forest.
If you want to find fishermen - go to the sea.
And unfortunately, if you want to find a funeral director – just go to the Luzerne County Courthouse    Coroners office. We have dozens, all paid with Tax payer money.

So many Funeral Directors, doubling as Deputy Coroners in violation of State Mandates-but hey what the heck, this is Luzerne County!  John Corcoran was quoted in the TIMES LEADER, Sept __ 2010, as saying “Funeral Directors are more accustom to dealing with death.”  Mr. Corcoran lets call a spade a spade. Funeral Directors are more accustom to earning a profit from a death. Hmmmm Dozens of Deputy Coroners whose livelihood is selling funeral service. Is that fish I smell coming from the Courthouse?  Yes, there is definitely something fishy coming from the courthouse. Whoops... Our mistake, that's not fish, that's embalming fluid!

The whole thing is just so corrupt. The last thing a grieving family should have to be concerned about, is being solicitation by a Coroner/Deputy Coroner.

You need a simple service? If you would like, we could handle that.

You wish to have a cremation? We offer cremation.

To avoid a conflict of interest, the government employee (Coroner) must decline the request for his or her services.

THE 3 C's

This is why we have so many corruption problems in Luzerne County. Because the people in power do not follow ethical mandates set by the state.  Self interest is put forth first. Folks, it does not matter if we are talking about a Yacht in Florida or a Funeral Home in Luzerne County. It all comes down to putting your self interest first.-shameful

Monday,Nov 8,

How deep does the rabbit hole go?

Luzerne County residents should know that your county government has participated in defrauding another governmental agency.  More specifically the Luzerne County Courthouse Coroners Office has defrauded the United States Social Security Administration – disgraceful. Luzerne County Coroner/Deputy Coroner are the only people who can act in that official role and hence be compensated for those duties. The Coroner/Deputy Coroner are the officials listed in Harrisburg with the state and our County can not legally pay anyone else for these duties. Deputies can not designate compensation to be diverted to their wives, sons, daughters, or corporation (Funeral Homes). It is simply against the law.  The Luzerne County Coroners Office has falsified documents to divert compensation to some funeral homes for the sole purpose to defraud the Social Security Administration.  This office, which is run almost exclusively by businessmen, is well aware that corporations are not subject to social security tax and deputy corners are.  Just file RIGHT TO KNOW Luzerne County Deputy Coroners 2009. (link to right to know form). The most enraging thing about this, is that the coroners office is responding in large part to our senior citizens community and yet with the help of some fraudulent accounting by the coroners office, wealthy businessmen are able to defraud the social security administration. This office needs to apologize to out senior citizens and all residents who play by the rules.

Monday,Nov 8,

Nepotism makes for unhealthy government

List of Coroners
Desiderio, James
Desiderio, Samuel

Harman, Brain
Harman, Jason
Harman, Mark

Hughes, Daniel (son of a former coroner)

Jones, Gerald
Jones, Mary

Paletski, John
Paletski, John III

Pointek, Bernard
Pointek, Michelle

Strish, George Jr.
Strish, George III
Strish, Eric

Is it moral to set an example like this to our children? Teaching our impressionable young that it is okay for the whole family to work for the same row office as long as they are politically connected.

Monday,Nov 8,

Cushy vehicles – Debit cards and Luzerne County

The county purchased two 4 wheel drive GMC Yukons for the purpose of transporting human remains, when needed. They can carry up to two deceased each. The great part of the time, these are used as personal vehicle. We rent mini vans and other vehicles from Funeral Homes for transportation, meanwhile our coroner drives around in a black Yukon to match the color of his funeral home vehicle. Our chief deputy has a dark blue Yukon to match the color of his affiliated funeral home.
WHAT?!? You get to pick you color? County Law says all county owned vehicles must be clearly marked (Lettered/Identified) but the Luzerne County Coroners office does not follow State, Federal or County Mandates. You people in the Luzerne County Courthouse Coroners office are not above the law, you are public servants and we are fed up taxpayers.

Monday,Nov 8,

In Luzerne County we have “CASH for KIDS” and “CALLS for CORONERS”.

Luzerne County: You can not even escape the corruption when you are dead!